Better, lasting, and validated results by combining diet and acupuncture

We offer several treatment protocols, from drastic weight loss, several tens of kilograms, to rebalancing, for patients who need to lose up to 10 kg, perfectly suited for pregnant women, athletes, and children, who will additionally benefit from a lifelong education in taste!

Drastic weight loss (several tens of kilograms):
For patients wishing to lose more than 10 kilograms, the "carb hunt" (sugars in all their forms) is strict enough to maintain ketosis or pseudo-ketosis limiting insulin production and insulin resistance.

Psychological and emotional support is always linked to these acupuncture protocols.

The menu choices offered by allcook kitchen® become very important, whether they are very low in carbohydrates, keto, vegan, or involve intermittent "fasting" diets.

Weight loss in dietary rebalancing mode (up to 10 kilograms):
This diet is also low in calories even though it is less restrictive than the first. An important difference is that, unlike the first, the body is never in complete ketosis.

As in the restrictive diet, the combination with acupuncture reduces hunger and activates the metabolism, significantly decreasing the sensation of hunger and promoting the elimination of accumulated fats.


Some rules, "postulates" to follow:

The three dietary rules to achieve desired results and maintain them:

Eliminate as many carbohydrates as possible: Sweets, sodas, alcohol, pastries, cereals, chocolate bars, bread, pasta, pizza, and other "fast foods" as well as dairy products. Replace them with more fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, tofu, nuts, seeds, and eggs.

2 or 3 meals a day depending on whether you opt for "fasting" by skipping breakfast or not. Eat only at main meals, avoid snacking between meals. Serve one plate per meal, without overfilling it.

Prioritize quality over quantity: Reduce portions, aim for 5 colors on the plate, plates favoring proteins, green vegetables, and a small amount of legumes on days of physical activity, low-calorie and "filling" foods. The plate should always be beautiful, photogenic!


Acupuncture for weight loss with Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Overweight - Food regimes
Overweight - Food regimes

Overweight - Food regimes

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Weight loss and acupuncture
Weight loss and acupuncture

Weight loss and acupuncture

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Some rules for results
Some rules for results

Some rules for results

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Some tips and recipes
Some tips and recipes

Some tips and recipes

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

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