Excess weight, "the snake that bites your tail"

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet
My program consists of a personalized and innovative therapy that combines a low-carbohydrate diet in general with weekly acupuncture sessions to regulate metabolic dysfunctions in your body along with personalized follow-up to maintain motivation and manage any potential difficulties throughout the treatment until stabilization.

As soon as you are truly ready to change your eating habits and your lifestyle, we can then start the treatment:

  • 1 to 2 weekly sessions aimed at correcting eating behavior, activating certain physiological and psychological mechanisms.

These sessions are fundamental for altering compulsive behaviors (cravings, snacking, desires for sweet or fatty foods...)

Nutritional rebalancing to regain or acquire good eating habits that can generally allow you to lose 2 to 4 kg per month, also to improve mood and sleep as well as regulate bowel movements.

A meal plan will be offered to you each week by our partner

Allcook Kitchen® menus.

Acupuncture for weight loss with Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Overweight - Food regimes
Overweight - Food regimes

Overweight - Food regimes

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Weight loss and acupuncture
Weight loss and acupuncture

Weight loss and acupuncture

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Some rules for results
Some rules for results

Some rules for results

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

Some tips and recipes
Some tips and recipes

Some tips and recipes

Chinamedic – Didier Jolivet - allcook kitchen®

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